Environmental Services, Fort Riley
LOCATION: Fort Riley, Kansas
CLIENT: USACE Kansas City District
Since 2008, under our Long-Term Response Action contract (W912DQ-08-D-031) with the USACE Kansas City District, CTI has self-performed environmental services at Fort Riley including annual and 5-year review period groundwater sampling, soil and groundwater investigation, and remediation, heavy construction support, and Installation Restoration Program (IRP) site operation and maintenance (O&M) activities.
Environmental services include the following:
- Southwest Funston Landfill (OU001): Long-term groundwater monitoring in support of annual landfill monitoring and KDHE site closure.
- Pesticide Storage Facility (OU002): Extensive soil sampling using direct-push technology that enabled site closure under KDHE regulatory guidelines.
- Abandoned Gasoline Line Site: Monitoring well inspection and groundwater and soil sampling at AGL to monitor performance of the RegenOx oxygen release compound injection program to facilitate in-situ soil and groundwater bioremediation of a petroleum spill.
- Dry Cleaning Facility Area (OU003): CAP-18 injections along bedrock valley to enhance in-situ remediation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater and long-term performance monitoring in support of CAP-18 remediation program.
- Custer Hill Landfill: Post-Closure groundwater monitoring activities in support of the 5-year review for the facility and prepared the KDHE Post-Closure Care and Termination Plan. CTI also completed landfill cap repairs including regrading, installation of geotextile fabric, and placement of riprap along 1,700 lf of the landfill cover drainage to repair erosion.
- Camp Funston WWI Incinerator: Field investigation to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of metals contamination exceeding the KDHE residential soil clean-up criteria and previous investigation findings. CTI completed ash and cinder removal along the top of the floodplain embankment to KDHE residential soil criteria.